Animation Family Comedy
Doug and his pal Skeeter set's out to find the monster of Lucky Duck Lake. Though things get really out of hand when some one blurts out that the monster is real.
Directed by
Maurice Joyce
Written by
Ken Scarborough
Frank Welker
Herman Melville (voice)
Rodger Bumpass
Additional Voices (voice)
Fran Brill
Mrs. Perigrew (voice)
Doris Belack
Mayor Tippi Dink (voice)
Alice Playten
Beebe Bluff / Elmo (voice)
Mickie McGowan
Additional Voices (voice)
Melissa Greenspan
Briar Langolier (voice)
Paul Eiding
Additional Voices (voice)
Constance Shulman
Patti Mayonnaise (voice)
Becca Lish
Judy Funnie / Mrs. Funnie / Connie (voice)
Sherry Lynn
Additional Voice (voice)
Doug Preis
Mr. Funnie / Mr. Bluff / Willie / Chalky (voice)
Phil Proctor
Additional Voices (voice)
Jackie Gonneau
Additional Voices (voice)
Fred Newman
Skeeter / Mr. Dink / Porkchop / Ned (voice)
Chris Phillips
Roger Klotz / Boomer / Larry / Mr. Chiminy (voice)
Thomas McHugh
Doug Funnie / Lincoln (voice)
Guy Hadley
Guy Graham (voice)
Eddie Korbich
Al Sleech / Moo Sleech / RoboCrusher (voice)
David O'Brien
Stentorian Announcer (voice)
Greg Lee
Principal White (voice)
Bob Bottone
Bluff Assistant (voice)
Bruce Bayley Johnson
Mr. Swirly (voice)
Claudette Wells
Additional Voices (voice)

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