Comedy Music
Aspiring director Corky St. Clair and the marginally talented amateur cast of his hokey small-town musical production go overboard when they learn that Broadway theater agent Mort Guffman will be in attendance.
Directed by
Christopher Guest
Written by
Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy
Catherine O'Hara
Sheila Albertson
Bob Odenkirk
Caped Man at Auditions (uncredited)
Eugene Levy
Dr. Allan Pearl
Michael McKean
Don Lake
Phil Burgess - Blaine Historian
Fred Willard
Ron Albertson
Parker Posey
Libby Mae Brown
David Cross
UFO Expert
Miriam Flynn
Costume Dresser
Brian Doyle-Murray
Red Savage
Larry Miller
Glenn Welsch - Mayor
Paul Benedict
Not Guffman
Bob Balaban
Lloyd Miller
Christopher Guest
Corky St. Clair
Harry Shearer
Michael Hitchcock
Steve Stark - Councilman
Paul Dooley
UFO Abductee
Leigh French
Lewis Arquette
Clifford Wooley
Matt Keeslar
Johnny Savage
Linda Kash
Mrs. Allan Pearl
Deborah Theaker
Gwen Fabin-Blunt - Councilwoman
Turk Pipkin
Ping Pong Ball Juggler
Margaret Bowman
Costume designer
Gregg Bissonette
Scott Williamson
Tucker Livingston - Councilman
James McQueen
Singing Auditioner
Jerry Turman
Raging Bull Auditioner
Jill Parker-Jones
Stage Manager
Jean Fuller
Blaine Community Orchestra - Piano
Richard Macdowell
Blaine Community Orchestra - Clarinet
Johnny Reno
Blaine Community Orchestra - Saxophone
Tracy Rosenkrans
Blaine Community Orchestra - Bass
Tony Edwards
Blaine Community Orchestra - Drums, Percussion
Lou Christie
Lightning Strikes Auditioner (uncredited)
James Douglas
Theater Attendant (uncredited)
Daniel Fahey
Dental Patient (uncredited)
Kathy Lamkin
Beautiful Dreamer Auditioner (uncredited)
Jerry Goodman
John P. Crowley

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