War Drama
This 1942 fictionalized biopic chronicles the true story of how two of the most remarkable men in aviation history - visionary Spitfire designer R.J. Mitchell and his test pilot Geoffrey Crisp - designed a streamlined monoplane that led to the development of the Spitfire.
Directed by
Leslie Howard
David Niven
Geoffrey Crisp
Miles Malleson
Roland Culver
Commander Bride
Leslie Howard
R.J. Mitchell
Rosamund John
Diana Mitchell
David Horne
Mr. Higgins
Derrick De Marney
Squadron Leader Jefferson
Gordon McLeod
Major Buchan
J.H. Roberts
Sir Robert McLean
Brefni O'Rorke
The Specialist
Anne Firth
Miss Harper
Rosalyn Boulter
Mabel Lovesay
Herbert Cameron
Toni Edgar-Bruce
Lady Houston
George Skillan
Mr. Royce
Erik Freund
John Chandos
Victor Beaumont
Von Crantz
Suzanne Clair
Gerry Wilmot
Radio Announcer
Jack Peach
Radio Announcer

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