Fantasy Adventure Action
Dar, is the son of a king, who is hunted by a priest after his birth and grows up in another family. When he becomes a grown man his new father is murdered by savages and he discovers that he has the ability to communicate with the animals, which leads him on his quest for revenge against his father's killers.
Directed by
Don Coscarelli
Written by
Paul Pepperman, Don Coscarelli
Rip Torn
Marc Singer
John Amos
Tanya Roberts
Billy Jayne
Young Dar
Dick Warlock
Janet Jones
Witchwoman #3
Bob Minor
Rod Loomis
King Zed
Ralph Strait
Gene LeBell
Henry Wills
Vanna Bonta
Zed's Wife
Chuck Hicks
Tony Epper
Jun Leader
Gary Epper
Ben Hammer
Young Dar's Father
Bill Hart
George P. Wilbur
Gray Johnson
Joshua Milrad
Christine Kellogg
Witchwoman #2
Kim Tabet
Sacco's Daughter
Janet DeMay
Witchwoman #1
Jeremy Whelan
Jun Priest
Hank Calia
Philip Romano
Jerry Wills
Bob Terhune
Frank Orsatti

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