Action Adventure Sci-Fi
In the year 2074, the cybernetics market is dominated by two rival companies: USA's Pinwheel Robotics and Japan's Kobayashi Electronics. Cyborgs are commonplace, used for anything from soldiers to prostitutes. Casella Reese is a prototype cyborg developed for corporate espionage and assassination. She is filled with a liquid explosive called Glass Shadow. Pinwheel plans to eliminate the entire Kobayashi board of directors by using Casella
Directed by
Michael Schroeder
Angelina Jolie
Casella 'Cash' Reese
Elias Koteas
Colson 'Colt' Ricks
Jack Palance
Elizabeth Sung
Billy Drago
Danny Bench
Renee Griffin
Tracey Walter
Wild Card
Karen Sheperd
Jim Youngs
Pinwheel Exec #1
Rick Hill
Team Leader
Ric Young
Bobby Lin
Sven-Ole Thorsen
Allen Garfield
Martin Dunn
John Durbin
Tech #1 - Observation Room
Scott Leva
Galen Yuen
Robert Dryer
Pinwheel Exec #2
Patrick O'Connell
Tech #2 - Observation Room
Sheryl Mary Lewis
Tech #3 - Corridor
Linus Huffman
Captain Choy Fook
Alain Silver
Jon Agro
Rick Kahana

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