Comedy Drama
Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid the expense of marriage settlements at £500 each, his eldest daughter Maggie rebels.
Directed by
David Lean
Prunella Scales
Vicky Hobson
John Laurie
Dr. McFarlane
Charles Laughton
Henry Horatio Hobson
John Mills
William Mossop
Brenda De Banzie
Maggie Hobson
Gibb McLaughlin
Derek Blomfield
Freddy Beenstock
Daphne Anderson
Alice Hobson
Raymond Huntley
Nathaniel Beenstock
Dorothy Gordon
Ada Figgins
Joseph Tomelty
Jim Heeler
Edie Martin
Old Lady Buying Shoelaces (uncredited)
Julien Mitchell
Sam Minns
Helen Haye
Mrs. Hepworth
Richard Wattis
Albert Prosser
Philip Stainton
Madge Brindley
Mrs. Figgins
Jack Howarth
Tubby Wadlow
Herbert C. Walton
Leonard Sharp
Tailor who rents shop to William Mossop (uncredited)
Robert Brooks Turner
Beanstock Worker Who Finds Hobson in Cellar (uncredited)

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