Adventure Animation Comedy Family
Spring has sprung, and baby Roo is excited to get out and explore and make new friends. But Rabbit seems preoccupied with spring cleaning, instead of embracing his usual role of playing Easter Bunny. Leave it to Roo to show Rabbit -- through love -- that it's more important who you love and not who's in charge.
Directed by
Elliot M. Bour, Saul Blinkoff
Written by
Nishit Shah, Tom Rogers
Kath Soucie
Kanga (voice)
Peter Cullen
Eeyore (voice)
Jimmy Bennett
Roo (voice)
Ken Sansom
Rabbit (voice)
John Fiedler
Piglet (voice)
Jim Cummings
Winnie The Pooh / Tigger (voice)
David Ogden Stiers
Narrator (voice)

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