Comedy Fantasy Romance
Thunder (Ronald Cheng) is a God who likes to boast about his intelligence and business mind. One day, he was reminded by his girlfriend, the Saint of Nine Heavens (Qing Yan), that he had pledged his guardianship to a fat boy that he had saved thirty years ago. The boy will face the end of his life on New Year's Eve and it is now the time for Thunder to fulfill his pledge to resolve the boy's trouble.
Directed by
Ronald Cheng
Tony Leung Ka-fai
Danny Chan Kwok-kwan
Louisa So Yuk-Wah
Francis Ng
Ken Lo
Tenky Tin Kai-Man
Teresa Mo
Kenny Bee
Cheung Tat-Ming
Kelly Chen
Ronald Cheng
Patrick Dunn
Vincent Kok
Baat Leung-Gam
Chan Fai-hung
Lam Tze-chung
Amanda Strang
Alex Lam Chi-Sin
Toy Dept's staff
Alex Fong Lik-Sun
Edmond Leung
Miki Yeung
Kate Yeung
Kwok Wai-Kwok
Mia Yam
Chiu Kwok-Choi

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