Family Drama
Gregory Kingsley, a boy passed off onto social services by his natural mother and abused by his natural father, finds the foster family he is put into to be the type of family he needs and takes his natural mother to court to have her parental rights revoked so that he can be adopted by the Russes. The story is based on the real case of the boy who really did have to take this action to avoid being sent back into an unacceptable situation.
Directed by
Sandy Smolan
Written by
Blair Ferguson
Rhea Perlman
Jerry Blair
Sam Anderson
Judge Thomas S. Kirk
Richard Crenna
George Russ
Cotter Smith
Mike Caldwell
Lezlie Deane
Jeanette Glynn
Linda Kelsey
Liz Russ
Amy Aquino
Debby Hunter
David Tom
Brian Russ
Tom Guiry
Gregory K
Cyril O'Reilly
Ralph Kingsley
Adilah Barnes
June Carey
Joycelyn O'Brien
Rachel Kingsley
Gary Bayer
Chuck Johnson
Rudi Davies

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