Action Comedy Drama
Ko Chun is an extremely talented and well known gambler. On the eve of a big confrontation with a famous Singaporean gambler, Ko walks into a trap set by Knife, an avid but a so-so gambler, meant for an Indian neighbour. Struck on the head, Ko suffers from amnesia and regresses to a child-like state. Knife takes care of Ko and begins to exploit Ko's gambling talents.
Directed by
Wong Jing
Written by
Wong Jing
Andy Lau Tak-Wah
Michael Chan / Little Knife / Dagger
Chow Yun-fat
Ko Chun / 'The God of Gamblers'
Charles Heung Wah-Keung
Lung Ng / Dragon Five
Joey Wong
Michiko Nishiwaki
Miss Chi
Lau Kong
Ko Yee (voice)
Yeung Chak-Lam
Sharla Cheung
Ronald Wong
Shing Fui-On
Big Mouth
Yeung Yuk-mui
Waitress Asked to Deal Cards
Lung Fong
Ko Yee
Xiong Xinxin
Shing's Man
Wong San
Jane's Father
Dennis Chan Kwok-San
Doctor Toneg Wong
Ng Man-tat
Loanshark Shing
Jameson Lam Wa-Fan
Chan Lap-Ban
Knife's Mother
Benz Kong To-Hoi
Croupier on Boat
Wan Seung-Lam
Bau Hon-Lam
Chan Kam Sing
Johnny Cheung Wa
Kwong, Shing's Man
Michael Chow Man-Kin
Casino Manager (uncredited)
Lowell Lo Koon-Ting
Jack Wong Wai-Leung
Ridley Tsui Bo-wah
Thug on Train
Wai Ching
Rocky Lai Keung-Kun
Law Ching-Ho
Motel Manager
Seung-Goon Yuk
Jane's Mother
Paul Wong Kwan
Thug on Train
Ha Kwok-Wing
Ernest Mauser
Danny Ng Wai-Yip
Luk Chuen
Mr. Wang
Kong Long
Thug on Train
Yiu Chan-Lam
Chan Yiu-Kwong
Chow Chi-Hung
Nam's Man
Lau Shung-Fung
Mak Shu-San
Fan Chin-Hung
Peter Kwok Bei-Dak
Mansook Ahmed
Man with Dogs
Wong Chi-Hok
Alex Yip Choi-Nam

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