Drama TV Movie
In Mansfield Park, poverty-stricken Fanny Price is sent away to live with her wealthy uncle and aunt at Mansfield Park. As she struggles to adapt to her new lifestyle she begins to attract the attentions of suitors, learning about the sexual politics of high society along the way.
Directed by
Iain B. MacDonald
Hayley Atwell
Mary Crawford
Joseph Morgan
William Price
Billie Piper
Fanny Price
Jemma Redgrave
Lady Bertram
Douglas Hodge
Sir Thomas Bertram
Michelle Ryan
Maria Bertram
James D'Arcy
Tom Bertram
Rory Kinnear
Catherine Steadman
Julia Bertram
Maggie O'Neill
Mrs. Norris
Blake Ritson
Edmund Bertram
Joseph Beattie
Henry Crawford
Julia Joyce
Young Fanny
Tara Berwin
Young Maria
Lucy Hurst
Young Julia
Zachary Elliott-Hatton
Young Tom
Greg Sheffield
Young Edmund

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