Comedy Drama Romance Action Fantasy Horror Mystery
All the body-piercing, kinky sex, and car crashes that Shakespeare wanted but never had! Join Tromeo and Juliet as they travel through Manhattan's underground in search of climactic love, violence and the American Way.
Directed by
Lloyd Kaufman
Ron Jeremy
Tromaville Citizen (uncredited)
Sean Gunn
Sammy Capulet
Tiffany Shepis
Lemmy Kilmister
Tamara Marie Watson
Georgie Capulet
Joe Fleishaker
William Beckwith
Cappy Capulet
Debbie Rochon
Will Keenan
Tromeo Que
Jane Jensen
Juliet Capulet
Stephen Blackehart
Benny Que
Valentine Miele
Murray Martini
Charlotte Kaufman
Mutant Kid
Lisbeth Kaufman
Mutant Kid
Steve Gibbons
London Arbuckle
Flip Brown
Father Lawrence
Earl McKoy
Monty Que
Gene Terinoni
Detective Ernie Scalus
Wendy Adams
Ingrid Capulet
Jacqueline Tavarez
Caroline Smith
Phil Rivo
Marcos Antonio Miranda
Stanley L. Kaufman, Sr.

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