Action Adventure Animation Fantasy Sci-Fi
Upon discovery of a shard of what could be the Loc-Nar, a miner named Tyler becomes possessed with an insatiable hunger for power and a thirst for immortality. On his way to the planet of youth, Tyler wipes out most of a space colony and kidnaps a beautiful young woman. His only mistake is that he doesn't kill her sister, Julie, who then sets out on a mission of rescue and revenge.
Directed by
Michel Lemire, Michael Coldewey
Julie Strain
Julie (voice)
Billy Idol
Odin (voice)
Michael Ironside
Tyler (voice)
Vlasta Vrana
Street Vendor
Sonja Ball
Kevin Eastman
Arthur Holden
Dr. Schechter
Rick Jones
Alan Fawcett
Jefferson / Additional Voices
Pier Paquette
Germain St-Germain
Brady Moffatt
Jane Woods
Sysop voice
Elizabeth Robertson
Cyber Sex Doll
Luis de Cespedes
Terrence Scammell

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