Animation Fantasy Sci-Fi
After the death of his mother, the evil mutant wizard Blackwolf discovers some long-lost military technologies. Full of ego and ambition, Blackwolf claims his mother's throne, assembles an army and sets out to brainwash and conquer Earth. Meanwhile, Blackwolf's gentle twin brother, the bearded and sage Avatar, calls upon his own magical abilities to foil Blackwolf's plans for world domination -- even if it means destroying his own flesh and blood.
Directed by
Ralph Bakshi
Written by
Ralph Bakshi
Mark Hamill
Sean (voice)
Adolf Hitler
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
David Proval
Peace (voice)
Hans Conried
Guards (uncredited)
Will Ryan
Guards (uncredited)
Jesse Welles
Elinore (voice)
Susan Tyrrell
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Richard Romanus
Weehawk (voice)
Bob Holt
Avatar (voice)
Peter Hobbs
General (voice)
Susan Anton
Princess Elinore (uncredited)
Heinrich Himmler
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Charles Gordone
Alfie (voice) (uncredited)
Jim Connell
President (voice)
Steve Gravers
Blackwolf (voice)
Barbara Sloane
Fairy (voice)
Angelo Grisanti
Frog (voice)
Hyman Wien
Priest (voice)
Christopher Tayback
Peewhittle (voice)
Tina Romanus
Prostitute (voice)
Liz Bakshi
Fairy Mother (voice) (uncredited)
Victoria Bakshi
Fairy Girl (voice, uncredited)
Viktor Lutze
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)

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