Drama History
On September 4, 1984, democracy movement leader Kim Jong Tae is arrested and taken to an infamous interrogation facility in Namyeong-dong. For the next 22 days, he would be cruelly and continuously tortured in all manners by interrogators intent on forcing him to confess to communist collaboration.
Directed by
Chung Ji-young
Written by
Chung Ji-young, Jeong Sang-hyeop
Lee Kyung-young
Lee Doo-han
Kim Eui-sung
Manager Kang
Park Won-sang
Kim Jong-tae
Dong Bang-woo
Executive Director Park
Woo Hee-jin
Kim Jong-tae's wife
Lee Chun-hee
Section Chief Kim
Moon Sung-keun
President Yoon
Seo Dong-soo
Section Chief Baek
Bae Yong-geun
Assistant Yang
Kim Joong-ki
Section Chief Lee

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