Comedy Drama Horror
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
Directed by
Takashi Miike
Kenji Sawada
Masao Katakuri
Naoto Takenaka
TV Reporter / Singer
Keiko Matsuzaka
Terue Katakuri
Ken'ichi Endô
Moeko Ezawa
Naomi Nishida
Shizue Katakuri
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Policeman Miyaki
Tetsuro Tamba
Granpa Jinpei Katakuri
Shinji Takeda
Masayuki Katakuri
Yoshiki Arizono
Father of the Poor Family
Tokitoshi Shiota
First Guest
Kiyoshiro Imawano
Richado Sagawa
Tamaki Miyazaki
Yurie Katakuri
Takashi Matsuzaki
Chihiro Asakawa
Utanomi's Girlfriend
Yumeki Kanazawa
Sick Boy

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