Romance Drama History
1920s Germany. Two sisters aged six years, no sooner see their remaining parent buried when they are torn apart. Lotte goes to live with her upper middle class Dutch aunt in Holland, Anna to work as a farm hand on her German uncle's rural farm. The World War II impacts each of their lives and finally in old age they meet again.
Directed by
Ben Sombogaart
Thekla Reuten
Young Lotte
Nadja Uhl
Young Anna
Jeroen Spitzenberger
Barbara Auer
Margarita Broich
Roman Knižka
Jaap Spijkers
Father Rockanje
Betty Schuurman
Mother Rockanje
Gudrun Okras
Old Anna
Ellen Vogel
Old Lotte
Marieke van Leeuwen
Mevrouw De Vries
Ingo Naujoks
Uncle Heinrich Bamberg
Julia Koopmans
Lotte Bamberg, young
Hans Trentelman
Mr. De Vries
Sina Richardt
Anna Bamberg, young
Hans Somers

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