Comedy Romance
A romantic comedy about a man, a woman and a football team. Based on Nick Hornby's best selling autobiographical novel, Fever Pitch. English teacher Paul Ashworth believes his long standing obsession with Arsenal serves him well. But then he meets Sarah. Their relationship develops in tandem with Arsenal's roller coaster fortunes in the football league, both leading to a nail biting climax.
Directed by
David Evans
Mark Strong
Colin Firth
Paul Ashworth
Ruth Gemmell
Sarah Hughes
Holly Aird
Lorraine Ashbourne
Paul's Mum
Ken Stott
Ted, the Headmaster
Neil Pearson
Paul's Dad
Charles Cork
Stephen Rea
Ray, the Governor
Philip Bond
Turnstile Operator
Annette Ekblom
Robert's Mother
Silas Carson
Indian Waiter
AG. Longhurst
Taxi Driver
David Hounslow
Man at Reading
Luke Aikman
Young Paul
Bea Guard
Paul's Sister
Richard Claxton
Robert Parker
Bob Curtiss
Peter Quince
Chip Shop: Frank
Jackie Hyffes
Pupil's Mom
Joe Reddington
Pupil's Dad
Graham Cull
Mr. Johnson
Mike Ingham
Radio Sports Commentator
Sam Dunbar Banks
Young Paul's Mate
Leigh Funnelle
Woman At Reading
Simon Bowen
Hillsborough Man
Geoffrey Drew
House Owner
Liam Stapleton
2nd Governor
Emily Conway
Shuli Morris-Evans
Party Baby
Gary Condes
Arsenal Fan (uncredited)

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