Action Comedy Adventure Music Romance
The story developed during XX century in Russian empire, Azerbaijan. Two circus actors Rustam and his friend San Sanich travel to a village where Rustam was born after long years of absence, to burry his aunt. After burring his aunt, friends decide to stay in her house for couple of days. A local wealthy inhabitant of the village Farzali bek, is looking for oil, and finds out that the land which now officially owned by Rustam might have some oil repositories. He learns that Rustam is back and wants to take him out, to put his hands on valuable land. A young theater singer Teymur is in love with Farzali bey's beautiful daughter, Telli, but has nothing to offer to marry her. Yet he decides to speak with her father. While planning to "sell" his daughter to one of other wealthy bey's son, Farzali bey still promises that if Teymur will kill Rustam, he will let Telli marry him. Rustam and his friend San Sanich defend Teymur, but after talking to him become friends. They decide to help ...
Directed by
Yuli Gusman
Mukhtar Maniyev
Nasiba Zeynalova
Mardan's Mother
Hasanagha Turabov
Three-Eyed Jafar
Abdul Mahmudov
Valiahd Valiyev
Hamida Omarova
Yusif Alizadeh
Sadig Huseynov
Mardan's Father
Sergei Yursky
Chief of Police
Sofa Basirzadeh
Zilli Namazov
Mirza Babayev
Farzali bey
Lev Durov
San Sanich
Tariyel Qasimov
Kyazim Abdullayev
Cahangir Novruzov
Susan Majidova
Mukhtarbey Kantemirov
Aleksandr Sharovski
Elkhan Aghahuseynoghlu
Flower seller
Ramiz Novruzov
Aligulu Samadov
Konstantin Artyomov
Abbas Kazimov
Rashid Mahmudzadeh
Ramiz Mammadov
Mammad Majidov
Nizami Musayev
Mustafa Suleymanov

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