Fantasy Comedy Family
School girl Annabel is hassled by her mother, and Mrs. Andrews is annoyed with her daughter, Annabel. They both think that the other has an easy life. On a normal Friday morning, both complain about each other and wish they could have the easy life of their daughter/mother for just one day and their wishes come true as a bit of magic puts Annabel in Mrs. Andrews' body and vice versa. They both have a Freaky Friday.
Directed by
Gary Nelson
Jodie Foster
Annabel Andrews
John Astin
Bill Andrews
Charlene Tilton
Sorrell Booke
Mr Dilk
Alan Oppenheimer
Mr Joffert
Marie Windsor
Mrs Murphy
Ruth Buzzi
Opposing Coach
Dick Warlock
Vicki Schreck
Patsy Kelly
Mrs Schmauss
Marc McClure
Boris Harris
Iris Adrian
Bus Passenger
Laurie Main
Mr. Mills
Barbara Harris
Ellen Andrews
Dick Van Patten
Harold Jennings
James Van Patten
Fritz Feld
Mr. Jackman
Marvin Kaplan
Carpet Cleaner
Al Molinaro
Drapery Man
Jack Sheldon
Kaye Ballard
Coach Betsy
Ceil Cabot
Miss McGuirk
Sparky Marcus
Ben Andrews
Brooke Mills
Miss Gibbons
Karen Smith
Mary Kay Gilbert
Barbara Walden
Mrs. Benson
Shelly Juttner
Hilary Miller
Lori Rutherford
Don Carter
Delivery Boy
Fuddle Bagley
Bus Driver
Robert Karvelas
Diner Customer (uncredited)
Christine Freeman

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