Drama Thriller
After his plane crashes in Siberia, a Russian dancer, who defected to the West, is held prisoner in the Soviet Union. The KGB keeps him under watch and tries to convince him to become a dancer for the Kirov Academy of Ballet again. Determined to escape, he befriends a black American expatriate and his pregnant Russian wife, who agree to help him escape to the American Embassy.
Directed by
Taylor Hackford
Helen Mirren
Galina Ivanova
Isabella Rossellini
Darya Greenwood
Lionel Richie
John Glover
Wynn Scott
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko
Noel Davis
Shane Rimmer
Ambassador Larry Smith
Maryam d'Abo
French Girlfriend
Geraldine Page
Anne Wyatt
Gregory Hines
Raymond Greenwood
Daniel Benzali
Dr. Asher
Phil Collins
William Hootkins
Chuck Malarek
Aleksandr Naumov
KGB 2 (as Alexander Naumov)
Stefan Gryff
Captain Kirigin
Florence Faure
Ballerina (Death)
Benny Young
Flight Engineer
Romo Gorrara
Jiří Stanislav
Chaiko’s Driver (Leningrad)
Sussanah Morley
Journalist in Opera House
Michael Petrovitch
Helicopter Pilot
Twyla Tharp
David Savile
Ian Liston
Hilary Drake
Stewardess #1
Megumi Shimanuki
Stewardess #2
Maria Werlander
Child Ballerina
Galina Pomerantzeva
Sergei Rusakov
Marc Sinden
Josephine Buchan
Helene Denbey
Elisa Tornqvist
Journalist at Consulate
Edward Ochagavia
KGB Agent
Marc Michalsky
KGB Agent
Andreas Markos
Alan Barry
Malcolm Weaver

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