Drama Romance
Set in a Yorkshire milltown in 1957, Ellen Hardy is unhappily married but is close to her ten-year-old son, Victor. The family has recently moved house and Victor has started at a new school where Ellen has become friendly with his teacher, Kathy Thompson, who is keen to encourage him at art. As the friendship between the two women grows, Ellen's millworker husband, Hardy, feels increasingly alienated at home.
Directed by
Steven Woodcock
Written by
Steven Woodcock
Barbara Marten
Ellen Hardy
Julia Deakin
Paul Shane
Frank Windsor
Mr. Walker
Duggie Brown
Mr Britchenor
Tony Barton
Bruce Alexander
Mr. Butterworth, Headmaster
Lori Wells
Mrs. Britchenor
Andrina Carroll
Andrew Dunn
Geoff Hardy
Ben Campbell
William Ilkley
Pauline Jefferson
Mrs. Parkin, Teacher
Eileen O'Brien
Mrs. Walker
Alan Partington
Mr. Pugh, Teacher
Eric Potts
Mr. Hathershaw
Edward Woodcock

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