Animation Adventure Family
This time, while building a hideaway in their new home of the Great Valley, Littlefoot and the gang rescue a mysterious egg from two scheming egg-nappers and make a starling surprise - and new friend - when the egg hatches.
Directed by
Roy Allen Smith
Kenneth Mars
Grandpa (voice)
Rob Paulsen
Spike / Strut / Chomper (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Petrie / Ozzy (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Ducky's Mom / Petrie's Mom / Mother Maiasaurus (voice)
John Ingle
Narrator / Cera's Father (voice)
Linda Gary
Grandma (voice)
Candace Hutson
Cera (voice)
Heather Hogan
Ducky (voice)
Scott McAfee
Littlefoot (voice)
Terre Roche
Suzzy Roche
Maggie Roche

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