Fantasy Horror
Driven by biological excess, a young man and woman search for sexual fulfillment, unaware of each other's existence. Unfortunately, they eventually meet, and the bonding of these two very unusual human beings ends in an explosive and ultimately over-the-top sexual experience, resulting in a truly god awful love story....
Directed by
Frank Henenlotter
Written by
R.A. Thorburn, Frank Henenlotter
Jelena Jensen
Woman in Shower
Tina Krause
Beverly Bonner
Neighbor Lady
Krista Ayne
Woman in Penthouse
Scooter McCrae
Eléonore Hendricks
Rachael Robbins
Woman in Kitchen
Charlee Danielson
Anthony Sneed
Ginger Starr
Porn Model
John A. Thorburn
Junkyard Owner
Tom Kohut
Jennifer's Assistant
James Shell
Junkyard Stud
Vivian Sanchez
Junkyard Model
Jessie Jayne Clancy
Young Jennifer
Jude Angelini
Crackhead #1
Mark Wilson
Pool Player
Vicky Wiese
Alicia Hastings
Woman in Closet
Bjorn Milz
Perfect Urban Gentleman
Laura Pelage
High-School Girl #1
Megan McGee
High-School Girl #2
Pete Dicenso
High-School Boy
Vladislav S.
Porn Model
Big Earth
Crackhead #2
Vinnie Paz
Reef the Lost Cauze
Connie Renda
Carolyn Thompson
Vagina-Faced Model
Brittany Moyer
Vagina-Faced Model
Mar Sirivanh
Woman on Couch
Richard Gladys
Pool Player's Homie
Marc Klapper
Pool Player's Homie
Johnny Omar
Pool Player's Homie
One-Eye Jay
Pool Player's Homie
Anthony Palmer
Pool Player's Homie
Andre Parker
Pool Player's Homie
Prince Paul
Pool Player's Homie
White Gary
Pool Player's Homie
Dennis Sean Baquiran
Photo Victim
Danny Capodonico
Photo Victim
Chris Cawley
Photo Victim
Chris Cerchio
Photo Victim
DJ City Rich
Photo Victim
Chaz Kangas
Photo Victim
Craig Knight
Photo Victim
Amal McCaskill
Photo Victim
Chauncey Nikkles II
Photo Victim
Dante Ross
Photo Victim
Craig Velez
Photo Victim
Amanda Garrett

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