Family Adventure Animation Romance
The evil Jafar escapes from the magic lamp as an all-powerful genie, ready to plot his revenge against Aladdin. From battling elusive villains atop winged horses, to dodging flames inside an exploding lava pit, it's up to Aladdin - with Princess Jasmine and the outrageously funny Genie by his side - to save the kingdom once and for all.
Directed by
Toby Shelton, Tad Stones, Alan Zaslove
Written by
Mirith J. Colao, Kevin D. Campbell, Steve Roberts, Bob Roth, Jan Strnad, Bill Motz, Dev Ross, Brian Swenlin
Frank Welker
Abu the Monkey (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Thief (voice)
Jason Alexander
Abis Mal - the Chief of the Thieves (voice)
Dan Castellaneta
Genie (voice)
Jim Cummings
Razoul (voice)
Scott Weinger
Aladdin (voice)
Gilbert Gottfried
Iago (voice)
Linda Larkin
Princess Jasmine (voice)
Jonathan Freeman
Jafar (voice)
Brad Kane
Aladdin (singing voice)
Brian Hannan
Val Bettin
The Sultan of Agrabah (voice)
B.J. Ward
Street Mother (voice)
Liz Callaway
Princess Jasmine (singing voice)
Will Finn

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