Action Adventure Animation War Sci-Fi
Youngsters called Kildren, who are destined to live eternally in their adolescence. The Kildren are conscious that every day could be the last, because they fight a war as entertainment, organized and operated by adults. But as they embrace the reality they are faced with, they live their day-to-day lives to the full.
Directed by
Mamoru Oshii
Chiaki Kuriyama
Midori Mitsuya (voice)
Hochu Otsuka
Honda (voice)
Naoto Takenaka
Bar Owner (voice)
Rinko Kikuchi
Suito Kusanagi (voice)
Hiro Shimono
Pilot (voice)
Daisuke Hirakawa
Aizu Yudagawa (voice)
Shosuke Tanihara
Naofumi Tokino (voice)
Ryo Kase
Yuichi Kannami (voice)
Keisuke Oda
Pilot (voice)
Fumie Mizusawa
Call Girl (voice)
Mako Hyodo
Kusmi (voice)
Tomomi Watanabe
Call Girl (voice)
Megumi Yamaguchi
Mizuki Kusanagi (voice)
Kyoku Yama (voice)
Ooki Sugiyama
Pilot (voice)
Kenichi Mochizuki
Mechanic (voice)
Mabuki Ando
Fooco (voice)
Takuma Takewaka
Uroyuki Shinoda (voice)

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