Romance Drama
Gilbert Grape is a small-town young man with a lot of responsibility. Chief among his concerns are his mother, who is so overweight that she can't leave the house, and his mentally impaired younger brother, Arnie, who has a knack for finding trouble. Settled into a job at a grocery store and an ongoing affair with local woman Betty Carver, Gilbert finally has his life shaken up by the free-spirited Becky.
Directed by
Lasse Hallström
Leonardo DiCaprio
Arnie Grape
Johnny Depp
Gilbert Grape
Juliette Lewis
Crispin Glover
Bobby McBurney
Mary Steenburgen
Betty Carver
Kevin Tighe
Ken Carver
John C. Reilly
Tucker Van Dyke
Laura Harrington
Amy Grape
Joe Stevens
Burger Barn Manager
Cameron Finley
Doug Carver
Libby Villari
Darlene Cates
Bonnie Grape
Susan Loughran
Mrs. Lamson
Mary Kate Schellhardt
Ellen Grape
Penelope Branning
Becky's Grandma
Brady Coleman
Sheriff Jerry Farrel
Mona Lee Fultz
Bakery Worker
Tim Green
Mr. Lamson
Robert B. Hedges
Mark Jordan
Todd Carver
Tim Simek
Nicholas Stojanovich
Boy #1
Kay Bower
Police Secretary
George Haynes
Daniel Gullahorn
Boy #2
Brent Bratton
Burger Barn Employee (uncredited)
Kirk Hunter
Townfolk (uncredited)
Buck Reynolds
Juvenile Heckler (uncredited)
David Stanford
Townsperson (uncredited)
Rusty McClennon

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