Comedy Drama
In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.
Directed by
Denys Arcand
Mia Kirshner
Thomas Gibson
Cameron Bancroft
Maxim Roy
Aidan Devine
Polly Shannon
The Second Victim
Joanne Vannicola
Karen Young
The Singer
Serge Houde
The Cowboy
Joan Heney
Rick Roberts
Michèle-Barbara Pelletier
Ellen David
Matthew Ferguson
Maurice Podbrey
The Theater Director
Robert Higden
The Editor
Aimée Castle
Bernie's Drug Dealer
Harry Strandjofski
Gary McKeehan
Ruth Marshall
Annie Juneau
The Third Victim
Kim Handysides
Ashley Britton
Sylvain Morin
The Drag Queen
Ben Watt
The Native Boy
Alex Wylding
The First Victim
Geneviève Angers
Josée Boisvert
Rod Charlebois
Andy Delisle
Suzanne Desautels
Maximilian Devree
Charles S. Doucet
Nathalie Goguen
Lisa Hull
Barbara Jones
Luc Leblanc
John Lozano

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