Crime Drama Thriller
A charismatic psycho suspected of killing two innocent campers in a cold-blooded double homicide grows increasingly unstable as his suburban empire starts to crack at the foundations.
Directed by
Chris Sivertson
Written by
Jack Ketchum
Katie Cassidy
Dee Dee
Erin Brown
Lisa Steiner
Dee Wallace
Barbara Hanlon
Richard Riehle
Bill Richmond
Michael Bowen
Detective Charlie Schilling
Robin Sydney
Katherine Wallace
Eddie Steeples
Shay Astar
Jennifer Fitch
Marc Senter
Ray Pye
Ed Lauter
Ed Anderson
Alice Hirson
Mrs. Griffith
Megan Henning
Sally Richmond
Helen Siff
Jane Pye
Alex Frost
Tim Bess
Ruby LaRocca
Elise Hanlon
Jesse Hlubik
Officer Shack
Tom Ayers
Tony Carreiro
Tom Wallace
Cornelia Guest
Katherine's Mom
Rob Elk
Lenny Bess
Mike McKee
Mr. Griffith

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