Crime Drama Romance
A story of love, humor and drama against the background of America's "Biggest Little City." An (interrupted) indiscretion by John Wyatt with a floozy prompts his wife, June, to make a trip to Reno, Nevada in order to get a quickie six-week-waiting-period divorce. John, penitent over his past actions (since he got caught), follows his wife to Reno and manages a reconciliation after a murder gives him a chance to prove his true devotion.
Directed by
Raymond Cannon
Dorothy Christy
Gwen Maynard
Jameson Thomas
John Wyatt
Clarence Wilson
Adrian Garrett
Pat O'Malley
District Attorney
Dixie Lee
Dorothy Pierce
Georgia Caine
Catty Bridge Player
Arthur Housman
Roy Carlton
Henry Roquemore
Carmelita Geraghty
Rita Carlton
Virginia Valli
June Wyatt
Marshall Ruth

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