Drama Romance
Growing up in a poor working-class family, Laura Murdock decides not to marry the boy next door and instead accepts wealthy, older William Brockton's invitation to move in with him. After falling in love with young up-and-coming newsman Jack Madison she leaves Will to wait for Jack's return from a long assignment. She runs out of money and becomes desperate, returning to Will who, upon learning of Jack's sudden arrival, tells Laura she must inform Jack of her living situation or he will.
Directed by
Jack Conway
Written by
Edith Ellis
Clark Gable
Nickolas (Nick) Feliki
Adolphe Menjou
William Brockton
Constance Bennett
Laura Murdock
Robert Montgomery
Jack Madison
Charles Judels
Mr. Gensler (uncredited)
Hedda Hopper
Mrs. Clara Williams (uncredited)
Anita Page
Peg Murdock
John Harron
Chris Swoboda - Laura's Suitor (uncredited)
Marjorie Rambeau
Elfie St. Clair
Clara Blandick
Agnes Murdock
Andy Shuford
Bobby Murdock (uncredited)
J. Farrell MacDonald
Ben Murdock

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