Adventure Comedy
Richard Dacier owns a tour agency specialized on organizing safaris for European tourists eager to confront the African wild life. Actually, he took the job after his father and never went into the savanna by himself. As he owes big money to some mobster, he is compelled to convey a fake tourist, with a suspicious suitcase, toward Mozambic. To avoid suspicion from the authorities, he is supposed to tour a group of tourists as usual. The only problem - he is completely unexperienced as a guide!
Directed by
Olivier Baroux
Omar Sy
Youssouf Hammal
Frédérique Bel
Kad Merad
Richard Dacier
David Saracino
Olivier Baroux
Nicolas Marié
Monsieur Charles
Guy Lecluyse
Yannick Noah
Lionel Abelanski
Valérie Benguigui

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