Action Drama Thriller
"Jealous" man-killer Mayumi (Hitomi Kozue) is sent back into solitary confinement after being re-arrested for the murder of the doctor who fingered her for a botched surgery. After emerging from solitary confinement to find an all-new gang of bullies picking on a meek, young female prisoner, Mayumi is now a much harder soul who takes no attitude from anyone, and she turns savage when the poor girl is enslaved by Yakuza.
Directed by
Kōyū Ohara
Hitomi Kozue
Mayumi Houjou
Yoshie Kitsuda
Mitsuko Shiga
Saburō Shōji
The Punk
Machiko Aoki
Arikawa Mihoko
Yukie Noda
Natsuki Kumi
Sanae Shiba
Kenji Shimamura
Akiko Yoshii
Kuniko Hojô
Hiroshi Chō
Wataru Kobayashi
Tamaki Komiyama
The Man
Hiroyuki Mikawa
Gozô Shiga
Ken Mizoguchi
The Punk
Kunio Shimizu
Jirô Shiga
Ei Shirai
The Gentleman-like Man

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