Adventure Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
A boatload of beloved VeggieTales pals embark on a fun and fresh pirate adventure with their trademark humor and silly songs in The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything - A VeggieTales Movie! Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt and Pa Grape find themselves on the ride of their lives when they are mysteriously whisked back to the time when pirates ruled the high seas.
Directed by
Mike Nawrocki
Written by
Phil Vischer
Yuri Lowenthal
Alexander (voice)
Cam Clarke
Robert the Terrible / The King (voice)
Phil Vischer
George / Sedgewick / Willory / Sir Frederick / Mr. Hibbing / Bob the Tomato / Pirate Spy / Pirate Philippe Pea (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Elliot / Pirate Jean Claude Pea / Theater Foe / Pirate Spy Sidekick / Pirate with Dummy / Rock Monster Father (voice)
Tim Hodge
Jolly Joe / King's Ship Officer / Background Voices (voice)
Jim Poole
Pirate Scooter Carrot (voice)
Joe Serafini
Cydney Trent
Bernadette (Petunia) (voice)
Keri Pisapia
Ellen (voice)
Laura Gerow
Eloise (voice)
Alan Lee
Blind Man / One-Eyed Louie (voice)
Megan Murphy
Madame Blueberry (voice)
Sondra Morton Chaffin
Caroline (voice)
Drake Lyle
George Jr. / Rock Monster Boy (voice)
Ally Nawrocki
Lucy / Rock Monster Girl (voice)
Sloan Yarborough
Photographer (voice)
Joe Spadaford
Jacob Lewis / Stubb Pirate Overlord / Stubb Pirate Coward (voice)
Colleen Curtis
Theater Customer Woman (voice)
Marissa Collyer
Background Voices (voice)
J. Chris Wall
Background Voices (voice)
Andy Youssi
Background Voices (voice) (as Andrew Youssi)
Justin Drury
Charles Vollmer

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