Crime Drama Thriller
Immediately after Lisa declares that she is leaving her immature, abusive, but easy-going husband Robert, he is reported dead in a plane crash. Secretly still alive, he convinces her to collect his life insurance, although she knows that it's a bad idea. Lisa must contend with the complications of the scheme, which involve an aggressive suitor, Robert's jealousy, and her own guilt.
Directed by
Anatole Litvak
Sophia Loren
Lisa Macklin
Anthony Perkins
Robert Macklin
Yolande Turner
Barbara Ford
Gig Young
David Barnes
Jacqueline Porel
Pascale Roberts
Mrs. Wade
Jean-Pierre Aumont
Alan Stewart
Mathilde Casadesus
Mme. Duval
Tommy Norden
Marc Doelnitz
Elina Labourdette
Mme. Lafont
André Versini

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