Comedy Drama Romance
They were the perfect loving couple, well, almost. Emmanuel wanted a child but Philippe didn't. One day, however, Emmanuel decides to take the plunge, at the risk of losing Philippe. But how do you make a child when you are gay?
Directed by
Vincent Garenq
Written by
Vincent Garenq
Lambert Wilson
Docteur Emmanuel François Xavier Bernier dit / Manu
Ériq Ebouaney
l'assistant social
Anne Brochet
Cathy la gynécologue
Pascal Elbé
Marc Duret
Florence Darel
la sœur de Manu
Andrée Damant
Katherine Erhardy
Mme Charpentier, l'assistante sociale
Catherine Alcover
le maire
Pilar López de Ayala
Josefina Maria Paredes dite / Fina

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