Comedy Drama Romance
Liam Liu unwittingly gets involved with a high school girl. He suddenly has to go to China after learning from his father that he has inherited his grandmother's home in Shanghai. He's not very appreciative of his Chinese roots and at first only wants to sell the house and get back to the U.S. as fast as possible. He gets a taste of the Chinese culture and ends up having some big decisions to make
Directed by
Kip Konwiser, David Ren
Written by
David Ren
Hayden Panettiere
Adelaide Bourbon
James Hong
Mark Liu
Kelly Hu
Micki Yang
Ken Leung
Liam Liu
Joel David Moore
Joe Silverman
Byron Mann
Jai Li
Timothy Bottoms
Adelaide's Father
Lorna Scott
Casting Director
Jerry Lee
Spencer Redford
Jessica / Cute Blonde
Summer Altice
Kathleen Lancaster
Steve Connell
Casting Director (voice)
Brian Gardner
Young Handsome Guy
Oliver Yan
Ling Ming

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