Adventure Animation Fantasy
The Raccoons of the Tama Hills are being forced from their homes by the rapid development of houses and shopping malls. As it becomes harder to find food and shelter, they decide to band together and fight back. The Raccoons practice and perfect the ancient art of transformation until they are even able to appear as humans in hilarious circumstances.
Directed by
Isao Takahata
Written by
Isao Takahata
Megumi Hayashibara
Sasuke (voice)
Akira Kamiya
Tamasaburo (voice)
Shigeru Izumiya
Gonta (voice)
Takehiro Murata
Bunta (voice)
Yuriko Ishida
Kiyo (voice)
Nijiko Kiyokawa
Old Fireball / Oroku (voice)
Norihei Miki
Seizaemon (voice)
Makoto Nonomura
Shoukichi (voice)
Gannosuke Ashiya
Inugami Gyobu (voice)
Hayashiya Shōzō IX
Ponkichi (voice)
Yumi Ichihara
Koharu (voice)
Bunshi Katsura Vi
Yashimano Hage (voice)
Akira Fukuzawa
Ryutarou (voice)
Shinchou Kokontei
Narrator (voice)
Kosan Yanagiya
Tsurukame (voice)
Beichou Katsura
Kincho Daimyojin VI (voice)
Shiho Nagai
Hanako (voice)
Osamu Kato
Mr. Hayashi (voice)
Hiroshi Adachi

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