Comedy Drama
An intense look at the lives of the strong-willed daughters of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional mother who raised them.
Directed by
John Wells
Julia Roberts
Barbara Weston
George Clooney
Benedict Cumberbatch
Little Charles Aiken
Ewan McGregor
Bill Fordham
Abigail Breslin
Jean Fordham
Meryl Streep
Violet Weston
Dermot Mulroney
Steve Huberbrecht
Juliette Lewis
Karen Weston
Julianne Nicholson
Ivy Weston
Julie Michaels
Grant Heslov
Margo Martindale
Mattie Fae Aiken
Chris Cooper
Charlie Aiken
Sam Shepard
Beverly Weston
Tracy Letts
Misty Upham
Johnna Monevata
Dale Dye
Radio Announcer
Ivan Allen
Radio Announcer
Michael Graham
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Will Coffey
Sheriff Deon Gilbeau
Newell Alexander
Dr. Burke
Jeff Burleson
Maria Gus
Funeral Attendee (uncredited)
J. Alan Davidson
Young Soldier (uncredited)
Arlin Miller
Baseball Announcer
Leland Prater
Funeral Attendee (uncredited)
Laurie Cummings

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