Animation Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy
Department H sends in Wolverine to track down a mysterious beast known by the US Military as the Hulk, who is rampaging across the Canadian wilderness. Surveying the extent of the damage to a destroyed town, Wolverine notices a toxic scent as well as the smell of gunpowder. He is then deployed to the wilderness to resume tracking the creature.
Directed by
Frank Paur
Written by
Craig Kyle, Christopher L. Yost
Fred Tatasciore
Hulk (voice)
Steve Blum
Wolverine / Logan (voice)
Bryce Johnson
Bruce Banner (voice)
Nolan North
Deadpool (voice)
Nicole Oliver
Betty Ross (voice)
Mark Acheson
Sabretooth (voice)
Tom Kane
The Professor (voice)
Janyse Jaud
Lady Deathstrike (voice)
Qayam Devji
Bruce Junior (voice)
Colin Murdock
Omega Red (voice)

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