Drama Comedy
The Czech romantic comedy hit “Love is Love” tells the story of Maruska, a blind girl and student at the Conservatory of Music who dreams of love and having a family despite her blindness. Her dream guy has curly blonde hair and blue eyes but she ends up falling in love with the dark eyed, swarthy Marek. Maruska lives with her overly protective grandfather whom is preocupied with his long-lost love. Maruska’s neighbor and best friend is constantly struggling with his headstrong mother as she refuses to accept that her son is gay. She blames everyone else - even her husband - for her son's "deviation." The fate of all main characters is unexpectedly intertwined and told through humorous and touching situations laced with subtle irony and hyperbole. Just as in life, with its funny situations and difficult tests, unexpected revelations and surprising twists, all characters will experience times when they behave blindly and forget to listen to their hearts.
Directed by
Milan Cieslar
Jenovéfa Boková
Ondřej Vetchý
Karel, Honzův otec
Michal Kern
Jaromír Nosek
Petr Nárožný
Vlastimil, Maruščin dědeček
Aneta Krejčíková
Lenka Vychodilová
Milan Duchek
Simona Stašová
Zdena, Honzova matka
Eliška Balzerová
Rudolf Hrušínský
pan Jehlička
Zdeněk Vencl
Petr Vančura
Kateřina Pindejová
Ondřej Brousek
Barbora Poláková
Markéta Burešová
Roman Štabrňák
Václav Jílek
Anna Císařovská
Tomáš Vaněk
Jakub Šlégr
Martina Randová
Lilian Sarah Fischerová
Anna Schmidtmajerová
Maciej Cymorek
Perla Kučerová
Otta Tesař
Petr Macháček
Karel Vlček
Lina Wagnerová
Jolana Běhounková
Zdeněk Okleštěk
Jakub Tomeš
Luna de Lopez
Michal Knapp
Hana Slezáková
Karel Haidelmayer
Nora Najimová
Gabriela Pejchalová
Maria Sadoyan
Barbora Lazarczyková
Barbora Dipold Koláčková
Zbyněk Krupa
Ondřej Kožíšek
Livie Kolmanová
Ivana Kůsová
Marek Ferenc
Michael Romanovský
Jana Čutková
Viktorie Kožíšková
Matěj Kožíšek
Kryštof Povalil
Janička Horvatová

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