Adventure Animation Sci-Fi
In the future, one can achieve immortality by obtaining a mechanized body. Orphaned, young Tetsuro hitches a ride on the space train Galaxy Express 999 in the hope of obtaining a cyborg body to avenge his mother's death. Along the way, he meets Maetel, who is the spitting image of his dead mother.
Directed by
Toshiko Fujita
Shadow (voice)
Masako Nozawa
Tetsurô Hoshino (voice)
Yoko Asagami
Claire (voice)
Ryūji Saikachi
Tavern Owner (voice)
Banjo Ginga
Captain of the Guard (voice)
Noriko Ohara
Ryûzu / Mîmé (voice)
Gorō Naya
Doctor Ban (voice)
Reiko Tajima
Emeraldas (voice)
Masako Ikeda
Maetel (voice)
Kei Tomiyama
Tochirô Ôyama (voice)
Hidekatsu Shibata
Count Mecha (voice)
Akiko Tsuboi
Kanae Hoshino (Tetsurô's mother) (voice)
Makio Inoue
Captain Harlock
Kaneta Kimotsuki
Conductor (voice)
Miyoko Asô
Tochirô's Mother (voice)
Yasuo Hisamatsu
Antares (voice)
Ryoko Kinomiya
Queen Promethium
Tatsuya Jo
Narrator (voice)

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