War Drama History Romance
The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.
Directed by
Crane Wilbur
Written by
James Monroe, Charles L. Tedford
Erville Alderson
William Seward
Grant Mitchell
John Quincy Adams
Nanette Fabray
Rosita De La Torre
George Reeves
John Sturgis
Tom Chatterton
John Randolph
Frank Wilcox
Henry Clay
James Stephenson
Senor De La Torre
Charles Waldron
President James Monroe
Emmett Vogan
Daniel Webster
Sidney Blackmer
Theodore Roosevelt
Ted Osborne
John C. Calhoun
Edwin Stanley
President James K. Polk
Stuart Holmes
Grover Cleveland
Howard Lang
William Wirt
Millard Vincent
President Millard Fillmore

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