Drama History
Following in his father's footsteps, Albert Pierrepoint becomes one of Britain's most prolific executioners, hiding his identity as a grocery deliveryman. But when his ambition to be the best inadvertently exposes his gruesome secret, he becomes a minor celebrity & faces a public outcry against the practice of hanging. Based on true events.
Directed by
Adrian Shergold
James Corden
Timothy Spall
Albert Pierrepoint
Eddie Marsan
James 'Tish' Corbitt
Tobias Menzies
Lieutenant Llewelyn
Mary Stockley
Ruth Ellis
Juliet Stevenson
Annie Pierrepoint
Tim Woodward
Governor of Holloway
Paul Ready
Anthony David Farrow
Cavan Clerkin
George Cooper
Joyia Fitch
Elizabeth Volkenrath
Ann Bell
Violet Van Der Elst
Claire Keelan
Jessie Kelly
Kate Rutter
Clive Francis
Field Marshall Montgomery
Maggie Ollerenshaw
Mary Pierrepoint
Bernard Kay
Uncle Tom
Nicholas Blane
Governor of Strangeways
Christopher Fulford
Marie Critchley
Woman in Pub
Rodney Litchfield
Neil Fitzmaurice
Cliff the Scouser
Sheyla Shehovich
Irma Grese
Robin Soans
Governor Paton-Walsh
Simon Armstrong
Clive Brunt
Warder at Strangeways
Keiran Flynn
Mary Jo Randle
Mrs Corbett
Ben McKay
Timothy Evans
Lizzie Hopley
Dorothea Waddingham
Frances Shergold
Jack Lord
Jack Ellis

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