Family Music Animation Drama Comedy
Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with Charlotte, a spider that lives in his pen, to ensure that this will never happen.
Directed by
Iwao Takamoto, Charles A. Nichols
Written by
Earl Hamner, Jr.
Paul Lynde
Templeton (voice)
John Stephenson
Farmer Arable (voice)
Don Messick
Jeffrey (voice)
Henry Gibson
Wilbur (voice)
Martha Scott
Mrs. Arable (voice)
Agnes Moorehead
Goose (voice)
Debbie Reynolds
Charlotte (voice)
Bob Holt
Homer Zuckerman (voice)
Danny Bonaduce
Avery Arable (voice)
Pamelyn Ferdin
Fern Arable (voice)
Rex Allen
Narrator (voice)
Herb Vigran
Lurvy (voice)
Dave Madden
Ram (voice)
Joan Gerber
Mrs. Zuckerman / Mrs. Fussy
Bill Lee
Singer (voice)
William B. White
Henry Fussy (voice)

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