Animation Family
"Barbie" stars as Clara in this animated retelling of the classic Christmas ballet, complete with Tchaikovsky soundtrack and ballet choreography.
Directed by
Owen Hurley
Written by
Rob Hudnut, Linda Engelsiepen, Hilary Hinkle
Tim Curry
Mouse King (voice)
Britt McKillip
Peppermint Girl (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Barbie / Clara (voice)
Ian James Corlett
Captain Candy (voice)
Peter Kelamis
Pimm (voice)
Kirby Morrow
Nutcracker / Prince Eric (voice)
Cathy Weseluck
Maid (voice)
French Tickner
Grandfather Drosselmayer (voice)
Chantal Strand
Kelly (voice)
Benjamin Millepied
New York City Ballet Dancer
Christopher Gaze
Major Mint (voice)
Arnie Roth
Charles Askegard
New York City Ballet Dancer
Kathleen Barr
Aunt Drosselmayer / Owl (voice)
Alex Doduk
Tommy (voice)
Danny McKinnon
Gingerbread Boy (voice)
Maria Kowroski
New York City Ballet Dancer
Nora Y. Mullman
New York City Ballet Dancer
Abi Stafford
New York City Ballet Dancer
Yue Nhice Fraile
New York City Ballet Dancer

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