Family Fantasy Animation
Rich knows a lot about accidents. So much so, he is scared to do anything that might endanger him, like riding his bike, or climbing into his treehouse. While in an old library, he is mystically transported into the unknown world of books, and he has to try and get home again.
Directed by
Joe Johnston, Pixote Hunt
Patrick Stewart
Adventure (voice)
Frank Welker
Horror (voice)
Christopher Lloyd
Mr. Dewey
Whoopi Goldberg
Fantasy (voice)
Macaulay Culkin
Richard Tyler
George Hearn
Captain Ahab (voice)
Leonard Nimoy
Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde (voice)
Robert Picardo
Pirate (voice)
Mel Harris
Claire Tyler
Ed Gilbert
George Merry (voice)
Ed Begley Jr.
Alan Tyler
Jim Cummings
Long John Silver (voice)
Phil Hartman
Tom Morgan (voice)
Dorian Harewood
Jamaican Pirates (voice)
Richard Erdman
Pirate (voice)
B.J. Ward
Queen of Hearts (voice)
Fernando Escandon
Pirate (voice)
Canan J. Howell
Neighborhood Kid
Alexis Kirschner
Neighborhood Kid
Jessica Kirschner
Neighborhood Kid
Brandon S. McKay
Neighborhood Kid

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