Comedy Romance
A movie about a relationship...that's worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior decorator, at his best friend's (Bellamy) wedding. He's immediately sexually attracted to her while she's instantly attracted to his single-ness. They both ditch their wedding dates and start their own date that same night. The two become a couple, appearing very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. When Chelsea realizes that Seth wants to remain single and together, she becomes quite bitter. In the next hour of the movie, the two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play.
Directed by
Jeff Franklin
Written by
Jeff Franklin
Jason Bateman
Jesse Travis
Colleen Camp
Monica Harris
Erika Eleniak
Gina, Jasmine’ friend
Ivana Miličević
Tyra Banks
Holly Garnett
French Stewart
Seth Winnick
Tiffani Thiessen
Rebecca Melini / Juliette
Shanna Moakler
Bill Bellamy
Larry Garnett
Kevin Farley
Steve Hytner
Marty Mark
Bridgette Wilson-Sampras
Chelsea Turner
Luis Ávalos
Montrose Hagins
John O'Hurley
Walter Drooz
Julia Schultz
Dale Raoul
Colonic Nurse
Marliece Andrada
Jesse's Date

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