Horror Mystery Thriller Drama
Follows a seasoned detective on the trail of a ruthless killer intent on slaughtering prostitutes along West Hollywood's Sunset Strip. It appears that the murderer's grisly methods are identical to that of London's infamous 19th century psychopath Jack the Ripper – a relentless serial killer who was never caught by police. To make matters worse, the detective soon notices the parallels between the crimes committed by the West Hollywood stalker and those of a serial murderer incarcerated years ago. Could the wrong man be behind bars?
Directed by
David Ondaatje
Simon Baker
Donal Logue
Alfred Molina
Chandler Manning
Hope Davis
Ellen Bunting
François Chau
Daphne Ashbrook
Pretty Woman
Rachael Leigh Cook
Kirk Fox
LAPD Officer #3
Mel Harris
Rebecca Pidgeon
Dr. Jessica Westmin
Mocean Melvin
Young Detective
Virginia Williams
Rachel Madison
Shane West
Street Wilkenson
Roy Werner
Dr. Stevens
Jamison Jones
LAPD Officer #2
Paul Keith
Elderly Man
Tia Barr
Annie Chapman
David Sullivan
LAPD Officer #1
Ernie Grunwald
Gary Poux
Philip Baker Hall
Captain Smith
Krista Ayne
First Slender Woman
David Storrs
Warehouse Attendant
Janet Rotblatt
Elderly Nurse
Michael Albala
Forensic Expert
Bert Rosario
Juan Dantierro
Michael O'Hagan
Bruce Lester
J.P. Foster Jr.
Timmy (as JP Foster)
Juting Tsang
Mary Ann Lee
Donnell Barrett
Gary Dubin
Male TV Reporter
Nichole Lennstrom
Female TV Reporter
Lancer Dean Shull
Internal Affairs Officer
Stephen Steelman
John Hammil
Mayor Grimson
Jasmine Lobe
Street's Wife
Glen Douglas
Jennifer Webb
Young Woman
Tarajia Morrell
Second Slender Woman

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