Comedy Drama
An aspiring actor whose career is in the dumps, exploits his amazing bowling skills to take the PBA by storm and becomes rich and famous, only to lose his best girl and best friend...
Directed by
Tommy Reid
Written by
Ross Patterson
Rob Huebel
Jerry Lowry
Clayne Crawford
John DiMaggio
Bobby O'Keefe
Tara Reid
Lindsay / Lil Reno
Ray Wise
Buddy Kendrick
Vinnie Jones
Robert Carradine
Mr. Bailey
Whitney Cummings
Whitney the Waitress
Dayton Callie
Mr. Baxter
Robyn Lively
Diane Burke
Vincent Pastore
Tony P.
Masami Kosaka
Katie Lohmann
Gina Jones III
Nicholas Celozzi
Sarah Ann Schultz
Mrs. Bailey
Rachel Hunter
Irina Voronina
Lady Luck
Ross Patterson
Ross Vegas
Eddie George
Jami Miller
Jorie Burgos
Swinger Chick
Meggan Anderson
Jane (uncredited)

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